Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Fight your own battle

When things go wrong in life,
When it’s difficult to fight.

When everyone says that you are not right,

Always remember nobody knows you better than your soul inside.

Try to find out what went wrong is it you or the time,
Do not expect others will understand.

Remember it’s your fight,

Longer it takes deeper it hurts.
Sooner it ends gives an ultimate gain.

Quote of the day

Start believing in yourself and the world will follow you.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Face Challenges and keep going ahead in life.

When I used to paid attention to whatever was told to me,
I was left unhappy and unreal which no one could see.

I could understand an inner feeling which was trying hard to tell me,

That thinking about those I myself was giving importance to them,

And the day I started ignoring thing,
Life was a little change for me.

That change gave me so much strength,
Which helped me to open the lock of life without a key.

Quote of the day

                A combination of positive thought and soulful mind
                                 Can do wonders in life.
                Then why not follow the same each day,
                     To get a whole life full of positivity.

Uplifting inner thoughts

Always thought sharing emotions will reduce my pain.
Never thought it can be someone else’s gain.

They never understood my emotion.
And I had mistaken them as my companion.
But it’s never too late you can always do a fresh start,
Without much complain.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Quote of the day

               If reaching your goal needs a little  change in you.
                                       Go for it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Stand for your right

                       Stand for what you feel is right

Life is a journey where you meet with lot of people and come across various situations. But all of us do not think in the same way and obviously do not have same point of view. That’s fine it’s not always necessary, as you cannot force you thoughts on others in the same way do not be a follower of such thing which you do not belief but sometimes you force yourself just because crowd follows it. Just give it a second thought about it. Because most of the time you tend to follow other’s opinion rather than giving it yours. Everyone has their own belief and unlike others you too have your own. So why not stand for what you believe.

Situation makes a human either strong or weak. People might judge you or even tell you to compromise in every situations but if you feel that it’s not right or may be your inner belief does not support you in those situation than listen to your inner voice 
what it says because it knows you better than anyone else in this world, possibly it wants to tell you something. And in any circumstances if you go with your belief you will never be wrong, it might happen others might think you are not correct but always remember

                                    You cannot please everyone.

Standing for yourself or for what you think is right is of no harm, in case  you listen to others and do what other say  if things go wrong in future nobody will be there to mend it. You need to face it. And to be frank nobody should be blamed rather than you. Understand this not everyone knows your situation only you know it so you should be the best person to judge. Because giving suggestions are always easy but following is difficult.

There will be hypothetical situations in life in those you have to act accordingly do not do things which is against your believe in that way you contradict your own thought. For eg.. If you think all children should be treated equally but you do not love kids who stays in orphan in that case you are not following what you say. So do what you say and let people know about it. Because there are very few people who want to go that extra mile and wants to bring a change and if you are one among them you should be proud.

Very important analyze the situation and think about as many times you can tried to find a solution to it and I am sure you will get it. Because as we know
                                  Every problem has a solution.
Never ever think you are alone right people do not need supporters to justify their thoughts neither they force their ideas on others, they just put forward their opinion and respect others as well. Every person has right to put forward their opinions. Just because you are at one side of the fence and everyone else is on the other side it does not means you are wrong it just mean you think differently.

So always stand for what you think is right. Do not just follow the crowd. Put forward your opinion. And always listen to your inner voice.

Keep that smile alive.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Keep yourself Focussed

I always look at the sky and think it’s too far but beautiful,
Then I thought about my dream.
Which is again far though beautiful?
Then a voice came within nothing is impossible,
Neither reaching the sky nor fulfilling the dreams.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Things you want to before you die

Hello All,

This is very interesting. Guys i would request you all to mention 1 wish every day
by commenting in the blog in the comment section where it says (No Comments).

I am really excited for this.

We will get to discover lot of unusual facts about different people and can create a community here.

I would be waiting for the comments.

Procedure Click on No comments - then post your comments--

My 1st wish is to  check the comment section.

Believe in Yourself

I was always reminded of who I am and what I should do,
But I always wanted to look at things through my own point of view.

Lot of noises surrounded me but I listen to my soul,
Then a voice came within this is not what I want.

I will do something which everyone said I can’t.

And the day I accomplished it,
I looked at them and I smile.

They still tried to convince, but I kept that voice behind.

Quote of the day

Believe in yourself and you will start seeing changes.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Determined mind.

Time will never stop people will never support,
World will never be small, hope will never die.
Always remember that you are alive
That‘s the only thing should matter in life.



Quote of the day

Thinking is necessary ,but how you think and what you think that's what matters in life..

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Importance of a diary


We all have secrets in life. Some can be shared and there are few which you feel like keeping it to yourself. There comes a point in life when you feel the necessity of talking to yourself may be you feel the only person who can understand is only you because sharing can be sometime a little difficult it can be little weird but at the same time if there is a diary where you can pour your feeling out without getting scared, it will not only collates a lot of memory which can be cherished later but will also help to reduce your stress because you can actually find out what is bothering you. Again all humans are not same there are introvert people who knows that they cannot talk in crowd but unlike others they also have emotions. During that time a diary can be your best friend. Because you know whatever you write it’s kind of a secret which you only know and now your best friend knows that’s the diary.

A diary itself holds a lot of value in a person’s life because ones the day ends he/she gets curious to write what has happened and while writing they might come up with ideas to make things better in life and may be after a long time when you read them your heart filled with joy reading about your dreams, success, failures, crush and many more and you will definitely have a emotional touch to it. Because that is again an untouched part of your life and anybody who goes through it will know the in and out of you which is an explainable happiness.

When you start maintaining a diary it does not only captures your complete life even the unwanted desires which you couldn’t tell anyone but have a fantasy to fulfill it sometime during your lifetime. At the same time it involves a practice of writing every day. Maintaining a diary can be another way of motivating yourself because no matter how many motivational journals or quotes you read the only thing which can motivate you is only you nobody else because you know what you are going through and what can be best for you, so you act accordingly. Because you not only write your dreams but through the visualization of goals in the paper reminds you to draw a path to achieve them. It even reflects your personality through the words written and you will be able to judge yourself more conveniently.

Sometimes building a relationships with others may be difficult but with yourself may be little easier. A diary itself gives you inner peace and happiness which is again important to increase the longevity of lifespan, we tend to see people with low self esteem and depressed do not have a motive in life but people who are confident and happy have the courage to face more difficulties in life.

There is another advantage of building a relationship with diary you get to know about your hidden talents because you have never put it in action but as you pen them down you find out the qualities and disadvantage of yourself which will definitely help you to grow as a person. May be you never knew you write so well or you always underestimate yourself but this will definitely give you push because a person only write things in which either they are interested, or about their dreams, goals or may be about their ultimate secrets.

So isn’t it great to know yourself or may be seeing the world in a complete different prospective. So try this out and I am sure you will never regret. Infact you will feel more alive after knowing a hidden side of yourself.

And always remember to.

Keep that smile alive.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Confused Thoughts

Confusion had always played with me
Gave me options to select, but it was never enough,
Never got an option which I wanted to select.
Left with options which was not in my mind
And had to compromise, With a smile and scars in heart.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Unspoken words

Few things are unspoken in life.

Few I couldn’t explain few others never wanted to listen,
Wanted to pour out the feelings in my heart.
But always had a fear, people will judge not understand,
Though whenever I was in my thoughts it took me to a place
Where I always wanted to be.
So I was happy in my loneliness.

Random Thoughts.

Lot of things run through my mind,
Don’t have a specific reason to it
May be today is not the day, Tomorrow may add little shine.
Often I think wish I could change few things for myself,
Wish knew earlier about the future.
But everyone said this is life.
Still I tried to make a way.
Where I can say this is my life.

Do not regret on any decision

Never Regret Any Decision You Ever Make

Regret is one the worst feeling in the world because you know that this is not because of someone else it’s because of the decision you have made and no matter what it is it can never be changed and moreover you do not have a control over it the only feeling you are left with is if you could go back and change what you have done. But you also know that it’s not possible which again hurts you not only mentally even emotionally. Definitely all decisions will not lead you to the place where you want. Some may give you a satisfactory feel and some may not. The only thing defines it is the consequences of the decision.

So whenever you make a decision do not only think about the current situation but try to evaluate the future conditions as well because what you decide today will put a complete impression over your future but still if you feel the future will be better than the present. Then go for it because you are the only who knows why are you doing it and what made you to do it. Things might change people may not support but once you have thought about it take it further. Because sometimes what happens is more you talk to different people more you will be confused because everyone has their own way of thinking and own view to look at things.

Remember you cannot change the past it’s gone and will never come back. Until we can actually travel back to change our actions or take advantage of opportunities, it doesn’t make much sense to dwell on it. The only thing you can do it is learn from it because that would be the only option you will be left with because regret will not give you anything but learning might help you in future if you had to make any decisions in life. Because this time you have a powerful tool that is called experience. And it will always remind you about the past moments and the outcome of it.

Again there is a possibility is it will not always be a sad moment it can be a happy moment as well though it will definitely include risk it depends what you feel about it If you’re able to convince yourself that the decision was the best option at the time, you’re less likely to think about going back and getting a do-over. You need to trust in your past self and understand you did the best with the information you had at the time.

We humans not only get hurt physically but emotionally as well and that’s bother a lot so whatever it is once you are in the situation after the decision is made and if you feel its best then never look back but if you feel it’s worst stop worrying about it because it will affect your health so try to make yourself a person who is strong enough to accept what they have done in life. Because again today is your present and future is yet to come and past is gone and learning from the past is always better than regret about the things which you cannot control.

So be confident and do not let anyone to take away the peace from you.

Keep that smile alive.                                     

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
What is life? Probably the most difficult question or may be easy for some. Because every person has his own story in this world with full of experiences. But definitely the end days of a person gives the actual definition of his or her life. One life in numerous things to do, we keep questioning our self will it be enough or do we need some more days. Eventually as a human we want everything to be perfect we do not want things to look bad or anyone to have a doubt on our credibility. We are so busy in making things perfect that we get afraid of making mistakes. But why, we are humans we will make mistakes there is nothing to be ashamed of one learn from his mistakes. Everyone in this planet does mistakes but the important thing is to learn from it and even it’s a first step towards your success story because we all know practice makes a man perfect.
Do you realize when you make a mistake actually you get a new opportunity to learn, do the same thing with better knowledge because you will keep in mind and will not do it next time. When you do not experiment, ask question, implement your ideas it means you are not learning anything. You want to avoid criticism; there is a lack of self confidence. If you want to stay in your fear than stay where you are .But if you want a life of your choice full of happiness you need to take that first step

(Choice is yours). You will definitely make mistakes but just because you took that first step the fear of making mistakes will be gone forever and with the passing time you will see your confidence has boost up which will help you throughout your life.
Whenever you make a mistake do not be hard on yourself whatever you may feel upset, angry etc. Forgive yourself because even you are human no one is perfect in this world. Very important learn from it promise yourself I will never repeat it in future and train yourself how to tackle if you come across the same situation in future.
It’s very hard to regain confidence but it’s not impossible you know you can do it. Keep practicing your work again and again until you master it. Keep telling yourself I will succeed and I will reach to my goal. But I will continue to learn from my mistakes.
Keep smiling.

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

Stop Comparing Yourself to Other People

I hope everyone would agree with me that once in lifetime we all have compared our self with others but did we ever thought that life would have been so different if we stop comparing our self to others. Because everyone is different none of us are same. And if we continue to compare our self we will never ever be satisfied and no satisfaction means no happiness. If you want to be happy make yourself better to get the best in life. But if you notice you spend half of your life comparing with others.

You always try to find happiness in others wherein it lies within you. Though it takes time but you do realize it, normally instead of thinking of doing something bigger in life you start seeing what others are doing even you start showing interest despite of knowing the fact that’s not your area of interest. Comparison is nothing it’s just a feeling comes out of jealousy and creates a great impact in your life.

It does not only affect you personally but it hampers you financially as well. Because you try to wear kind of clothes what other wear, or want to party in a place which can be quite expensive you may not realize that moment, but you only identify when you do not have enough money in your crisis. Ultimately you tried to fit in someone else’s frame which you couldn’t afford, but you get carried away by the emotions of being comparative, it blocks your mind and you were unable to see the crisis which may affect you in future it was just one example, there are many . In this way you can easily measure the destruction that has happened to you not because of someone else but for your comparative nature.

Even it might create a very anxious feeling in you and that is jealousy. Out of jealousy you might lose your friends even your loved ones why because you are trying to chase someone else’s dream rather than being happy with what you have. We see someone leading a lavish life so what we do, we start thinking that how can we acquire the same lifestyle and during that span of time you may ignore your loved ones who actually care for you but you do not understand you invest more and more of your time.
And if you do not succeed you feel bad, depressed and your confidence and morale goes down. So it did not only affect you personally but you lose a lot of time which you could have used in a productive manner.

Everything has a positive and negative impact in life instead of being negative be competitive in a positive manner. In that way you will not only be more focused but confident as well.

Here are few things which you can follow. To stop comparing yourself to others.

Always be happy for others because you know you too have a dream so put all your efforts to fulfill your dream. Because everyone is not same some may get things easily few might have to do a little more hard work to reach the goal but that’s fine it happens with everyone.

Stop looking at someone else’s life and focus on yours because you will find a lot of people do things to impress others not for themselves and even if you do the same thing what’s the difference. And some choose to show what they want so do not get dragged you have your own life so stay calm and happy.

Be confident about yourself and your work always remember confidence is something which will take you further if you find someone’s work more refine learn from it  So next time if you need to do something same sort of you can do it in much better way.

Lastly be happy for what you have and thank god for everything you have in life because few people do not even fulfill their basic requirements of life.

And keep that smile alive.

Always be confident.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Inspirational Quotes

Positive thinking will always take you further in life.

Never give up.

Be true to yourself


Be True to Yourself - Be You

Be true to yourself seems to be easy but it’s the most difficult task now a days because you spend half of your life pleasing others by losing yourself. You are so lost that you do not even understand you can only keep others happy when you are happy.

There is no need to please everyone or keep everyone happy because you cannot that’s impossible when I say this I mean it. Look around you will find few happy, sad and some complaining about you.

Do you want to change yourself and loved by others is that real happiness. No, get loved for who you are not for someone whom you are pretending to be. Because if you pretend then you will be confused because each person is different some may like you in this way others may not so be what you are if they like you want to be with you, they will be with you if not you know what to do.  
                                    Do not live to charm others live the way you want.

Wake up every single with fully you (100% you).

Because you can lie to anyone in this world but not to yourself.  In this way you not only practice to live a life with complete honesty you even pass the same energy to others.
love yoursel

People will look up to you because everyone wants to talk to people of higher values and they will respect you because you have build a trust and pure relationship with others and this time you will be praised for who you are and I am sure anyone and everyone would love this feeling.

And you know sometimes it’s ok to say no.

1      For your passion rather than doing what others are expecting you to do?
2     It’s your life and it’s definitely one, do whatever you want do not think about others.
    Speak to yourself.
4      Stop getting judged.
5      Ask question if you need a clarification on something.
6      Just stop getting your emotions hurt.
7      Start practicing yoga, go to gym, eat if you like, shop and go on a date anything which excites you makes you happy even if you think about it.
That’s what matters in life.                                           Short life so does not waste it.
Live each day as it’s you last and yes once it’s gone it will never come back.
And as I always say keep that smile alive.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Face your own problems.

Face your own problems

Life would have been really easy and exciting if we could have spent it the way we want. But the truth is we get the unexpected things in life. Sometimes we are happy about it and sometimes not. So when we get any success we want the complete credit no matter how much hard work we have put in, but when we are in a problem we get scared or try to blame someone else for our own problems. Why is there a discrimination of situation in life? When you have a problem accept it neither ignoring it because ignorance will not help you it already exists in your life. Stand still and face it, Nobody will come and tell you that there is problem if there is something wrong in your life it’s your responsibility to get out of that situation.

People may console you in your hard times and yes family will always be there for your support but there is someone who will be always with you and facing the consequences of that situation and the person is you, yourself. Definitely as we all know nothing is easy in life likewise the situation can be bad or worse too but you should be determined enough to look for a solution rather than thinking about it more and make it look bigger and affect your life.

       Always remember to focus on the solution not the problem.

The more you think about the problem more you get involved in it so try to find out different ways to overcome it. Do not let it control you. Attitude is again very important it shows your thinking towards the situation because it’s all in mind whatever you think it creates a picture and you act accordingly.

It’s only you who can make things work in your life nobody else, if you feel the problem is small it will be and if you make it big then it is, so the responsibility of portraying the problem lies on your shoulder itself.

Do not be discouraged if you fail to get a solution keep trying because nothing is permanent every problem has a solution to it. You may fail today but it cannot last forever but yes during that period.

Keep yourself strong.
Continue look for a solution.
Invest more of your energy and time to find a solution rather than thinking about the problem.
Very important have faith on yourself.

Problems will always be there in life but how you deal with it that matters the most. Your attitude to not to give up will keep you strong and help you throughout your life.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Create your own path

                  Create your own path

Life is all about excitement and unknowing facts. We may not know a lot about us. We even lack in knowing the good and bad in us. In order to proceed in life it’s very important to listen to yourself. But actually we always wait for a motivation or understanding from someone else rather than looking for it inside. Sometime it happens with me also, No I guess most of the time I may feel I am not good at something but just after a little push I start feeling good about it. It aroused a lot of questions within me.
Why do I need someone to tell me about my qualities isn’t it strange someone had to intervene to make me realize about myself. It means I do not know who am I, so once it came into my mind no this can’t happen it might be good once in a while but not all the time.

We cannot deny that everyone is born with a dream. But most of us are unable to fulfill it because we don’t know what do we want from life and where do we want to be in future so, we start believing on destiny and forget about our dreams. In this way we not only lose our identity  but we start feeling  depressed, low in confidence and we feel  we cannot do it but that’s not correct understand  a negative thought can never put a positive impression  for any human being in this world. So look within understand your dreams and start doing hard work and one day you will definitely fulfill your dreams. We have heard our parents telling us one can achieve their goals who dreamt about it no dream no goal.

I know it’s not very easy in fact anything in life is not easy be it getting a job, house or a perfect life partner everything needs hard work. Nobody in this world can say I got everything without any hard work. You do hard work, walk towards your goal and you reach there one day with a big smile on your face. So to reach to your goal always remember to listen your inner voice and make your own path in this way you would know  the pros and cons of it and never lose hope that is something which will take you further. One cannot only expect success in life  but yes reaching to that success will definitely need to cross numerous huddles in the path.

For example we go out for shopping we see things of various colour, brand, design and etc and we get confuse then  though we definitely seek suggestions but we only feel satisfied if we get the things of our choice. it’s the same with life we get confuse, our confidence breaks down and then  we start seeking suggestions but if you go into your deeper thought you only find a solution within in.

So forget everything and follow the path which you feel is the best for you. At the end what matters is the smile. Not a life with comforts but sadness around your face.

I hope u were able to relate yourself reading this.

Let me know your thoughts.