Thursday, August 9, 2018

Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
What is life? Probably the most difficult question or may be easy for some. Because every person has his own story in this world with full of experiences. But definitely the end days of a person gives the actual definition of his or her life. One life in numerous things to do, we keep questioning our self will it be enough or do we need some more days. Eventually as a human we want everything to be perfect we do not want things to look bad or anyone to have a doubt on our credibility. We are so busy in making things perfect that we get afraid of making mistakes. But why, we are humans we will make mistakes there is nothing to be ashamed of one learn from his mistakes. Everyone in this planet does mistakes but the important thing is to learn from it and even it’s a first step towards your success story because we all know practice makes a man perfect.
Do you realize when you make a mistake actually you get a new opportunity to learn, do the same thing with better knowledge because you will keep in mind and will not do it next time. When you do not experiment, ask question, implement your ideas it means you are not learning anything. You want to avoid criticism; there is a lack of self confidence. If you want to stay in your fear than stay where you are .But if you want a life of your choice full of happiness you need to take that first step

(Choice is yours). You will definitely make mistakes but just because you took that first step the fear of making mistakes will be gone forever and with the passing time you will see your confidence has boost up which will help you throughout your life.
Whenever you make a mistake do not be hard on yourself whatever you may feel upset, angry etc. Forgive yourself because even you are human no one is perfect in this world. Very important learn from it promise yourself I will never repeat it in future and train yourself how to tackle if you come across the same situation in future.
It’s very hard to regain confidence but it’s not impossible you know you can do it. Keep practicing your work again and again until you master it. Keep telling yourself I will succeed and I will reach to my goal. But I will continue to learn from my mistakes.
Keep smiling.